Rainbow Bridge
We all have those hoofprints in our hearts and minds from truely special spotties that we have cherished.
They are also remembered here for you

Moonshinefarm Copydex
The King himself, forever my heart horse.
Foundation stallion of Hallmarked stud; producing champion after champion – many following in his footsteps.
Multi champion all over the UK in open company under the BSpPS flag.
Unquestionable temperament, loving, loyal and inspirational to his last breath in my arms one sunny afternoon, cut short in a freak accident with an inoperable break at 26 years young.
The legend that was Moonshinefarm Copydex

Castle Saphire
Stunning bay spot bred mare who was taken too soon but left behind Little Miss Spotty Knickers, my first spotted foal who I hand raised

Tanzivan Silks of Tai
Sadly lost in 2022 aged 24!

Cranleigh Blue Luna
Cranleigh Blue Luna who I sadly lost this year. She produced me two stunning foals, she’s pictured here with her 2022 filly

My heart horse, Stryder. He has insidious uveitis in both eyes and I am losing him in a few days

Wenndann Priceless
My heart miniature, Wendann Priceless (because she was) aka Pebbles, homebred Palomino leopard spot, who gave me so much pleasure & fun, she was adorable inside & out. Taken far too soon aged just 6 years to a horrible bone disease. Loved her so much & miss her every day