Under the Data Protection Legislation we must adhere to the guiding 1st & 2nd principles of the act. As a ‘not for profit’ charitable organisation we are exempt from notification.
Any personal information that we hold, for members of the public, must be kept securely and not given or sold to a third party.
Information that we hold must not be kept for longer than is necessary. Any banking details should be securely locked away and destroyed after a period of non use.
Unsolicited marketing messages by e-mail should only be sent if the person has chosen to receive them, unless the e-mail address was obtained as a result of a commercial relationship. The individuals should always be given the opportunity to stop receiving them.
The British Spotted Pony Society is committed to protecting your privacy and security. Whenever you provide personal information, we will treat that information in accordance with this policy, current UK Data Protection legislation and Internet best practice.
Any personal information held will be kept securely.
No personal information held will be given to any third party. (With the exception of goods delivery services)
No information will be held for any longer than is necessary. Details such as banking information will be destroyed after 2 years of non use.
There is a mandatory legal requirement for the BSpPS to hold passport information about the horse/pony and owner. This information may be passed to Defra in order to carry out their responsibilities regarding EU equine ID requirements. It will also be used for disease control, surveillance activities and to assist in tracing the owners of stray, lost or stolen animals. This data will also help to reduce malpractice in the sale of ponies & horses. Defra will also provide information to third parties or organisations or persons contracted by Defra for the purposes of research & evaluation. Defra will be joint data controller for the mandatory information. Data may be shared if necessary with other Central Government Departments, Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Local Authorities and other enforcement agencies. Defra may be required to release data under the Freedom of Information act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 however neither Defra nor their agents will permit any unwarranted breach of confidentiality nor will they act in contravention of their obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998.
British Spotted Pony Society Complaints Procedure
The BSpPS aims to give members and non-members alike the best possible service. We would take any complaint very seriously.
If you are dissatisfied with our service we would deal with your complaint in the following manner:-
1)We will acknowledge your complaint by telephone, post or email by return.
2)Within 10 working days we will try to find a solution agreeable to you. If an acceptable solution cannot be found the matter will be referred to the next BSpPS Council meeting. We will write or email to explain how your complaint will be dealt with.
3)We will contact you within three working days of the meeting to give you Council’s decision. You will also be given a chance to appeal under our Appeals procedure. If in your opinion the decision is unacceptable and the complaint involves EU legislation we would then refer the matter to the relevant authorities for a final decision.
The British Spotted Pony Society acknowledges the importance of the internet and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, home web-pages, chat rooms, BBM (Black Berry Messenger) and all other forms of electronic communication and the role which “social media” plays in the day to day lives of members.
This policy note is to remind members that the Rules of The British Spotted Pony Society apply to Members when using social media and the internet. Failure to adhere to this policy note could lead to disciplinary action being taken against a member.
a) You should be aware that The British Spotted Pony Society may from time to time carry out internet searches to identify postings which include references to The British Spotted Pony Society and its members.
b) The British Spotted Pony Society produced images are the subject of copyright and should not be copied or used in social media.
c) You should ensure that any material that you transmit or post to social media is clearly stated to be your personal view and is not held out to be, or could be mistaken as, the view of the British Spotted Pony Society.
d) You must not post or transmit any material which could damage the name or reputation of The British Spotted Pony Society, its members or former members, or which is derogatory to the character of or prejudicial to the interests of The British Spotted Pony Society.
e) You must not post or transmit any material relating to The British Spotted Pony Society, members or former members or their horses or ponies, or which could otherwise be associated with or which may reasonably be attributed as coming from The British Spotted Pony Society, which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be in breach of The British Spotted Pony Society Rules, or constitutes a criminal offence, or which could give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the laws of, or infringe the rights of any third party in, the UK or any other country in the world.
f) Any breach of this policy may constitute a breach of The British Spotted Pony Society Rules and could also lead to civil and/or criminal proceedings being brought against you.
g) If Officers of The British Spotted Pony Society deem that an inappropriate posting or transmission has been made the Society will contact the appropriate administrator to request that the item is removed.
You should be aware that The British Spotted Pony Society will fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing The British Spotted Pony Society to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material in breach of this policy. If requested by the police or any other regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities to provide your personal information, The British Spotted Pony Society is entitled to do so.